Membership fees for the current year (April 1st to March 31st) are listed below.

Membership fees are pro-rata for the first year, so if you join with only eight months of the year remaining you will only be charged for those eight months. For subsequent years full payment is required. We do not offer Summer only memberships.

Membership Level Cost

Family (Up to 6 members living within the same household) £321

Single £248

Senior (Over the age of 60) £140

Junior/Student (Under the age of 18 and/or in full time education) £43

Young Person (Between the age of 18 and 24 not in full time education) £140

Associate (Use of shore side facilities only) £32

Additional Fees

Duty avoidance fee £32 per duty*

*Note, all adults above the age of 18 are required to complete two duties per year.

Storage Fees Cost

Boat Storage (1st) £70

Boat Storage (2nd +) £48

Junior/Student Boat Storage £27

*Large Pod Storage (For windsurfing/SUP)  £70

*Small Pod Storage (For windsurfing/SUP) £48

*Please note, Pod Storage is heavily over subscribed and there is currently a waiting list. It is only available to full paying members (not associate level).